Thursday, December 23, 2010

Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill Insurgents, Find Caches

American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2010 - Afghan and coalition forces killed two insurgents and found weapons in operations today throughout southern Afghanistan, military officials reported.
Security forces spotted the insurgents planting roadside bombs in Helmand province's Sangin district. The troops engaged the men immediately, killing both on the spot.
Afghan and coalition forces found three weapons caches in Kandahar and Helmand provinces. The stockpiles resulted in 2,200 pounds of ammonium nitrate, more than 300 rounds of assault rifle ammunition, 10 homemade bombs, seven hand grenades, six mortar rounds and various bomb-making materials.
Also today in Afghanistan, officials from NATO's International Security Assistance Force confirmed the identities of insurgents captured and killed in recent ISAF operations.
Usman, a Haqqani network leader, was killed Dec. 18 in Khost province. He was responsible for planning and carrying out attacks on security forces in the province. Several other suspected insurgents were detained during the operation.
ISAF officials also confirmed the identity of a Taliban weapons trafficker who was detained in Kahandar's Zjaray district. He was responsible for moving weapons between Iran and Kandahar through Nimroz province. Two other suspects were detained during the operation.
In operations yesterday:
-- Afghan and coalition forces detained a Haqqani network leader and several suspected insurgents in Khost province. The Haqqani leader is connected to affiliate groups in Pakistan and provides oversight to their Afghanistan operations. The men were detained without incident.
-- In Kandahar province, Afghan and coalition forces detained several suspected insurgents during a search for a Taliban bomb maker. Tips from local residents in the province's Zharay district led security forces to the bomb maker's alleged location, where the suspects were detained. Forces also found 20 pounds of heroin at the scene.
-- Afghan and coalition forces detained a Taliban assassin in Helmand's Marjah district. He is a suspected conspirator of assassination attempts on Afghan officials in Kandahar province. He surrendered to the security force after being found with more than 400 pounds of ammonium nitrate.
-- In Logar province, security forces detained one suspected insurgent with alleged ties to a stockpile of Taliban-made bombs. The suspect surrendered to coalition forces without incident.
Related Sites:
NATO International Security Assistance Force

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